Your local supply store probably carries pre-built sheds that you can take a look at. There are "tuff shed" or "Rubbermaid storage shed" plastic sheds. The vinyl storage sheds are another thing people buy for convenience. But lets look at wood sheds. So lets start at the pros and cons of building a shed compared to buying a shed kit.
Lets start with the pros:Building your own wood shed can be a fun project. Get your plans, get your materials, stake out your location, invite a friend or two over, and start your project. It may take a few weekends to complete, so you might be well-served to entertain your friends with pizza, beverages, or what ever bribes that your friends are into. For this time, youll need a concerted effort to get your shed built. Its a great time to bond with your friends and to show them that you appreciate their help. You may just build some lasting friendships from this project, as always going through an endeavor with someone else is a bonding experience.
By building a storage building yourself, youll be able to select from 1000s of plans for garages, sheds, and other storage buildings that are available online. You can build a shed that absolutely meets your requirements for space, for good looks, and for access. You can put your shed where ever it will fit in your yard or garden, and you can do things like run electricity to it and even water if you want. This opens up the uses for your shed well beyond storage. It can be that workshop youve been wanting. You know that occasionally you need to work on your equipment. Tune-ups, changing blades, sharpening your chainsaw... with electricity, you can even plug in your television and watch some games from your lawn chair while enjoying your favorite beverage. It sounds appealing to me, maybe it does to you. And come on, do you want one of those plastic garden sheds? Your shed plan will be more beautiful and the one you choose that best suits your own needs.
You can save money over buying a ready-made shed. You may drive by your home center, and see some pretty competitive prices on garden sheds.. But understand, the list price does not usually include the floor system, shelving, painting, electricity, water, or delivery and installation on your site. You can make some customization choices, but these involve more money. Its always going to be cheaper to build your own shed, and you have that great sense of accomplishment. With your own customizations, your shed plan can include anything you want.
Now for the cons:It is a good amount of work, building your own shed. It does requires some plans be made or purchased. It does require some familiarity with carpentry tools.
But theres all bonding bonding with your friends, the cookouts, the sports parties, the bonfire of left-over lumber scraps, and the new skills that you gain. Its a project to remember. Youll likely save a lot of money by building it yourself. And remember, its a pretty cool feeling, to look out the window and see the storage shed building that you crafted with your own hands.
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